To Retrieve Column Names From Database Table in QTP-VBScript To Get Column Names From Table Present in Database

VB Script to get column names from database table(MS Access).

We have table "EMP" in database "db"(Microsoft Access).

EMP Table has following data in it.

1 Lakshmi 30,000
2 Laxmi 25,000
3 Latha 15,000

Check This Blog For SQL Queries

Dim con,rs
Set con=createobject("adodb.connection")
Set rs=createobject("adodb.recordset")
con.provider="microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0""d:\db.mdb""select*from EMP",con
For i = 0 To rs.Fields.Count - 1
Msgbox column_name



SQL Queries Collection
QTP Script for Connecting to database
QTP Script to export database data to excel sheet
QTP Script to import database data to datatable
Connecting to MSAcess,Oracle,SQL Server Database
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VBScript to Get Cell Value of Particular Row and Column From ExcelSheet

How to get data from a particular row and a particular column from Excel Sheet in QTP?

Check This Post For Script To Get Cell Value of Particular Row and Column From Datatable in QTP.

QTP Script to get particular cell value from ExcelSheet in the specified row.

Below script is for retrieving 2rd row,2rd column cell value from already existing excelsheet in D drive.

In excelsheet we have values as shown below

1 aa xx
2 bb yy
3 cc zz

Script to get value "bb" from ExcelSheet is

Set a=createobject("Excel.application")
Set c=b.worksheets("Sheet1")
msgbox d

Similarly to retrieve 3rd row,1column value(3)replace d=c.cells(2,2).value with
d=c.cells(3,1).value in the above script.

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How To Check Whether Particular File and Folder Exists or Not in QTP?

QTP Script to check whether specified file and folder exist or not.

Data Driven Testing

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Script to check particular text file exists or not.

Dim f1
Set f1 = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If (f1.FileExists("D:\lakshmi.txt")) Then
Msgbox "file exists"
Msgbox "file doesn't exist"
End If

FileExists Method:Returns True if a specified file exists,False if it does not.


Above script checks text file("lakshmi")in D drive.
If text file is present "file exists" message is displayed else "file doesn't exist" message will be displayed.

Script to check particular folder exists or not.

Dim f1
Set f1 = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If (f1.FolderExists("C:\laxmi")) Then
Msgbox "folder exists"
Msgbox "folder doesn't exist"
End If

FolderExists Method:Returns True if a specified folder exists,False if it does not.


Above script checks folder("laxmi")in C drive.
If folder is present "folder exists" message is displayed else "folder doesn't exist" message will be displayed.

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How to Move a File From One Location to Another in QTP?
How to copy a file and folder from one location to other in QTP?
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How to Move a File From One Location to Another in QTP?

Script to copy a file and folder from one location to other in QTP

Script for moving a file from One location to Another location in QTP?

Dim f
Set f = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
f.MoveFile "D:\laxmi.txt", "C:\"
Msgbox "File Moved"

Above script is for moving a text file(laxmi)from D drive to C drive.

The MoveFile method takes two parameters,the source file and the destination.

Syntax:object.MoveFile (source,destination)

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Script to copy a file and folder from one location to other in QTP

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How to Copy a File and Folder From One Location to Other in QTP?

Script for copying a file from One Folder to Another Folder in QTP?

Dim f
Set f = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
f.CopyFile "C:\lakshmi.txt", "D:\"
Msgbox "File Copied"

Above script is for copying a text file(lakshmi)from C drive to D drive.

The CopyFile method,performs the file copy operation.

The CopyFile method takes two parameters,the source file and the destination.

My Article in Ezine Articles

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Script to Copy a folder from one drive to other in QTP.

Dim f
Set f = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
f.CopyFolder "D:\Test2", "C:\"
Msgbox "Folder Copied"

Above script is for copying a Folder(Test2)from D drive to C drive.

The CopyFolder method,performs the folder copy operation.

The CopyFolder method takes two parameters,the source folder and the destination

QTP Script to Get Names of Subfolders in a Folder.

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My Article in Ezine Articles

My Article got published in Ezine Articles.

Check My First Article in EzineArticles.Com.


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