Qtp Script to find the number of occurences of a char in a string-VB Script to find the number of occurences of a char in a string-QTP Scripts for beginners-VB Script

Qtp Script to find the number of occurences of a char in a string

str="hellllllllo all"


For i=1 to len(str)


If char="l" Then


End If


Msgbox counter

qtp script to display string vertically-vb script to display string vertically-QTP Scripts-VB Scripts and QTP-QTP Examples-QTP

qtp script to display string vertically

a = "Lakshmi"


For i = 1 to x

b = b & vbnewline & Mid(a,i,1)


Msgbox b

Qtp Script to add an image to excel sheet-Qtp Script to insert an image into excel worksheet

Qtp Script to insert an image into excel worksheet

Set Excel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

 Excel.Visible = True

 Set workbook = Excel.WorkBooks.Open("C:\abc.xls") 

Set worksheet = workbook.Worksheets(1)


QTP Script to delete all the worksheets except for the first worksheet-VB Script to delete all the worksheets except for the first worksheet

QTP Script to delete all the worksheets except for the first worksheet

 Set Excel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

 Excel.Visible = True

 Set Workbook = Excel.Workbooks.Open("C:\qtp.xls")

 i = Workbook.Worksheets.Count

 Do Until i = 1


 i = i - 1


QTP Script to get name of all worksheets of an excel sheet-VB Script to get name of all worksheets of an excel sheet

QTP Script to get name of all worksheets of an excel sheet

 Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

 objExcel.Visible = True

 Set objWorkbook = objExcel.Workbooks.Open("C:\qtp.xls")

 For Each objWorksheet in objWorkbook.Worksheets

 Msgbox objWorksheet.Name


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